Salt, sugar, and their benefits
too much of them" is repeated frequently, you may have heard of one
before doctors or health workers or patients may be over the age of
forty who are complaining about the so-called toxins the body is known
as the popular sense.
Salt and sugar core articles of life, can not do without them at all, nor perfume of life and health without them. The misconception of the mind poisons the body due to the closely allied Bmredan dangerous haunt of human and harvested almost uniformly millions of people each year and are diabetes and high blood pressure, and are considered one of the most causes of death in the world, countries spend funds billions to treat such patients, in addition to the dictates of the budget special and significant to the patient. Does not agree the scientific concept Btzmathma poisons the body because the poison is usually serious and fatal if taken at a dose specific, but for sugar and salt, the Nqsma in the body leads to diseases dangerous least harm for diseases former, but these diseases are not common presence, such as diabetes and hypertension the blood.I do not want to talk here about the articles the chemical and physical sense, but will be talking about the diseases associated with these articles, and will focus on patients with diabetes with high blood pressure. Salt is also known relationship to large and being a major cause of high blood pressure, and it is always advised reduction in patients with high blood pressure, heart and kidney, the elderly and others. The salt is meant here is the sodium salt, which is 99% of the salt and the sodium chloride is, and contains salt in addition to sodium salts, potassium, calcium and iodine concentrations but very few. As for sugar, it shows the name relates to the primary disease, diabetes, which is characterized by high blood sugar.
High blood pressure in patients with diabetes:Diabetes of the most prevalent diseases in the world, an estimated number of people infected worldwide by 10%, note that the rate of infection varies from state to state. The prevalence of diabetes in the Arab world of the highest in the world, In Saudi Arabia 16%, UAE 24%, Egypt 10%, 10% of Bahrain, Oman 12%. In the United States of America the ratio is up to 10%. These high rates for each local community disaster. There are two main types of diabetes: Type I usually affects children and an estimated 10% of the number of people with diabetes. The second type afflicts adults and the number of infected to 90%, and there are other types of gestational diabetes that appears during the period of a woman's pregnancy and usually appears after the fourth month of pregnancy.
Get diabetes due to a lack or absence of the hormone insulin by the beta cells in the islets of Ankerhanz on the pancreas, insulin is working on the introduction of dextrose (glucose) into cells for consumption and access to energy. That this shortage or lack of the hormone insulin would increase the percentage of sugar in the blood, leading over time to serious complications such as heart disease, nervous system and ill retina and damage in the kidneys, as well as to make the body vulnerable to bacterial and fungal infections. These are some of the information is somewhat general, for many patients with diabetes as a result of the widespread interest in educating people to the risk of this disease, which provides physicians and health professionals with diabetes this information in order to clarify the disease.What may be unknown to a lot of people with diabetes is the high correlation between diabetes and high blood pressure, where the number of people with diabetes and high blood pressure together to nearly 70% of patients with diabetes. Reports indicate that more than 65% of patients with diabetes die from heart disease and stroke, which is one of the complications of high blood pressure. In addition, the incidence of diabetes is high blood pressure is weak in humans with diabetes. He noted a report presented in 2000 at the crossroads of the American Dietetic Association found that 71% of patients with diabetes with high blood pressure, and that only 12% of those who are in control of their pressure naturally.High blood pressure, which is sometimes called the "silent disease" because there are no symptoms of its own, and in many cases are not diagnosed until complications appear that the impact of the disease. Note that 90% of people with high blood pressure do not know the cause of the afflicted. There are many reasons for the incidence of these diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure, including heredity, stress, tension or anxiety. In addition to other reasons that cross functional or specific disease.High blood pressure is continuous and uncontrolled essential factor in the development of diabetes complications of retinopathy in the eye, and the defect in kidney function, and coronary artery disease and peripheral vascular disorder (in the legs and arms). Proved by the results obtained from the tests was controlled by blood pressure at normal level in some patients.For accurate diagnosis and correct to the disease, high blood pressure should be the measurement of blood pressure several times and on different days. Usually more than high blood pressure complications caused by diabetes, this increase could affect the small blood vessels (Microvascular) will cause the harm that might affect the kidneys (Nephropathy) or retina (Retinopathy), or may affect the large blood vessels (Macrovascular) will cause the hardening of the arteries ( Atherosclerotic). And usually increases the incidence of premature death.Classified as high blood pressure in patients of ordinary, non-diabetics several categories, as shown in the following table to people who do not take any medication reduced blood pressure.
CategorySystolic blood pressure Systolic
mm / HgDiastolic pressure Diastolicmm / HgPressure ideal Optimal 120 or less 80 or lessNatural pressure Normal 130 or less 85 or lessHigh pressure natural * H. Normal 130-139 85-89High pressure from first-class Grade-1 140-159 90-99High pressure second-class Grade-2 160-179 100-109High pressure of the third class Grade-3 180 or higher 110 or higher* Can be treated and controlled diet and reduced sodium salt, sport and reduce tension and stress.The goal of treatment of high blood pressure in patients is to maintain the measurement less than 140 \ 90 mm Hg. The patients with diabetes must maintain the measurement less than 130 \ 80 mm Hg, because high blood pressure from 130 \ 80 mm Hg means of developing high blood pressure, and have described the treatment to reduce blood pressure. In addition to continuous monitoring of blood pressure monitor, and conduct all the tests periodically to avoid complications.
Salt and sugar core articles of life, can not do without them at all, nor perfume of life and health without them. The misconception of the mind poisons the body due to the closely allied Bmredan dangerous haunt of human and harvested almost uniformly millions of people each year and are diabetes and high blood pressure, and are considered one of the most causes of death in the world, countries spend funds billions to treat such patients, in addition to the dictates of the budget special and significant to the patient. Does not agree the scientific concept Btzmathma poisons the body because the poison is usually serious and fatal if taken at a dose specific, but for sugar and salt, the Nqsma in the body leads to diseases dangerous least harm for diseases former, but these diseases are not common presence, such as diabetes and hypertension the blood.I do not want to talk here about the articles the chemical and physical sense, but will be talking about the diseases associated with these articles, and will focus on patients with diabetes with high blood pressure. Salt is also known relationship to large and being a major cause of high blood pressure, and it is always advised reduction in patients with high blood pressure, heart and kidney, the elderly and others. The salt is meant here is the sodium salt, which is 99% of the salt and the sodium chloride is, and contains salt in addition to sodium salts, potassium, calcium and iodine concentrations but very few. As for sugar, it shows the name relates to the primary disease, diabetes, which is characterized by high blood sugar.
High blood pressure in patients with diabetes:Diabetes of the most prevalent diseases in the world, an estimated number of people infected worldwide by 10%, note that the rate of infection varies from state to state. The prevalence of diabetes in the Arab world of the highest in the world, In Saudi Arabia 16%, UAE 24%, Egypt 10%, 10% of Bahrain, Oman 12%. In the United States of America the ratio is up to 10%. These high rates for each local community disaster. There are two main types of diabetes: Type I usually affects children and an estimated 10% of the number of people with diabetes. The second type afflicts adults and the number of infected to 90%, and there are other types of gestational diabetes that appears during the period of a woman's pregnancy and usually appears after the fourth month of pregnancy.
Get diabetes due to a lack or absence of the hormone insulin by the beta cells in the islets of Ankerhanz on the pancreas, insulin is working on the introduction of dextrose (glucose) into cells for consumption and access to energy. That this shortage or lack of the hormone insulin would increase the percentage of sugar in the blood, leading over time to serious complications such as heart disease, nervous system and ill retina and damage in the kidneys, as well as to make the body vulnerable to bacterial and fungal infections. These are some of the information is somewhat general, for many patients with diabetes as a result of the widespread interest in educating people to the risk of this disease, which provides physicians and health professionals with diabetes this information in order to clarify the disease.What may be unknown to a lot of people with diabetes is the high correlation between diabetes and high blood pressure, where the number of people with diabetes and high blood pressure together to nearly 70% of patients with diabetes. Reports indicate that more than 65% of patients with diabetes die from heart disease and stroke, which is one of the complications of high blood pressure. In addition, the incidence of diabetes is high blood pressure is weak in humans with diabetes. He noted a report presented in 2000 at the crossroads of the American Dietetic Association found that 71% of patients with diabetes with high blood pressure, and that only 12% of those who are in control of their pressure naturally.High blood pressure, which is sometimes called the "silent disease" because there are no symptoms of its own, and in many cases are not diagnosed until complications appear that the impact of the disease. Note that 90% of people with high blood pressure do not know the cause of the afflicted. There are many reasons for the incidence of these diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure, including heredity, stress, tension or anxiety. In addition to other reasons that cross functional or specific disease.High blood pressure is continuous and uncontrolled essential factor in the development of diabetes complications of retinopathy in the eye, and the defect in kidney function, and coronary artery disease and peripheral vascular disorder (in the legs and arms). Proved by the results obtained from the tests was controlled by blood pressure at normal level in some patients.For accurate diagnosis and correct to the disease, high blood pressure should be the measurement of blood pressure several times and on different days. Usually more than high blood pressure complications caused by diabetes, this increase could affect the small blood vessels (Microvascular) will cause the harm that might affect the kidneys (Nephropathy) or retina (Retinopathy), or may affect the large blood vessels (Macrovascular) will cause the hardening of the arteries ( Atherosclerotic). And usually increases the incidence of premature death.Classified as high blood pressure in patients of ordinary, non-diabetics several categories, as shown in the following table to people who do not take any medication reduced blood pressure.
CategorySystolic blood pressure Systolic
mm / HgDiastolic pressure Diastolicmm / HgPressure ideal Optimal 120 or less 80 or lessNatural pressure Normal 130 or less 85 or lessHigh pressure natural * H. Normal 130-139 85-89High pressure from first-class Grade-1 140-159 90-99High pressure second-class Grade-2 160-179 100-109High pressure of the third class Grade-3 180 or higher 110 or higher* Can be treated and controlled diet and reduced sodium salt, sport and reduce tension and stress.The goal of treatment of high blood pressure in patients is to maintain the measurement less than 140 \ 90 mm Hg. The patients with diabetes must maintain the measurement less than 130 \ 80 mm Hg, because high blood pressure from 130 \ 80 mm Hg means of developing high blood pressure, and have described the treatment to reduce blood pressure. In addition to continuous monitoring of blood pressure monitor, and conduct all the tests periodically to avoid complications.
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