What is high blood pressure
At the very least, the one person in every twenty people suffer from high blood pressure and needs treatment, unfortunately, half of suffering from this disease often does not know that his blood pressure is high needs treatment and half of those who know their illness do not receive the necessary treatment to him so it is advisable measuring their blood pressure every six months, especially after exceeding the age of thirty years of age or in cases of weight gain or in cases of inheritance of the disease among family members.To find out the disease, high blood pressure, its causes and how to control it better We recommend that you first shed light on the heart and how it works and circulation.What is blood pressure?The arteries organized pressure and the amount of blood passing out through expansion and contraction of the regular with a heartbeat if you have lost the arteries flexibility for any reason, then increase the resistance arteries of the passage of blood the blood pressure rises and therefore the resistance of the walls of arteries to blood flow is an important factor to determine the level of blood pressure and control it.There are two types of pressure are measured, and systolic blood pressure Systolic Anaqbd measured when the heart during the pumping process, the diastolic Diastolic pressure is measured when the heart relax next to receive the blood from the body.
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