Cause of vomiting in children

In the first three months of age if the child was vomiting severe for the baby so the child is suffering from violent vomiting after eating, this may indicate a narrow pyloric gastric pyloric stenosis. It is a narrow in the latter part of the stomach and that carries food from the stomach into the intestines.

Violent vomiting Forceful vomiting:
In the first three months of age if the child was vomiting severe for the baby so the child is suffering from violent vomiting after eating, this may indicate a narrow pyloric gastric pyloric stenosis. It is a narrow in the latter part of the stomach and that carries food from the stomach into the intestines.

Vomiting accompanying pain Vomiting associated with pain:
When the vomiting accompanied him severe pain or the presence of blood feces, it may indicate the presence of intestinal obstruction intussusception. And in that case should immediately go to the doctor to diagnose the situation.

Viral infection Viral infection:
When the vomiting diarrhea accompanied him, it is often the result of viral infection. The danger of vomiting and in those cases in child injury as a result of drought, persistent vomiting, especially if vomiting continues for more than 24 hours.


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