Imperial College and The Patient Experience are looking for Arthritis patients to take part in a survey about medical sensing devices!
conjunction with of the Human Performance Group at Imperial College
London, The Patient Experience would like to tell you about a new
research study finding peoples’ preferences for wearable medical sensing
We are looking for patients of all medical conditions but are
focusing this study on osteoarthritis. Though other people will qualify!The term wearable sensing device for medical applications refers to any system that is connected to the body and measures clinical relevant information. The devices can be used to diagnose, prevent and treat disease. These devices provide healthcare that is specific to each patient by measuring information away from the clinic.
We are aiming to quantify the importance of specifications that are incorporated into the devices, to increase compliance and satisfaction from the patient using it. The outcome of the questionnaire will hopefully be the start in identifying what is important to patients and reduce the amount of assumptions made during the development stages increasing the chances of a new device being successful.
Human Performance Group at Imperial College London has developed an online questionnaire to gather the information and we ask you to take the time to fill it out. The information collected will provide a rich background that can be used to develop new medical sensing devices.
The online questionnaire can be found
Please click the above link to take part in the study!
For more information on the department of Imperial College London running the study please go to
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