Autism and Asperger syndrome – difference or disability?

Autism and Asperger syndrome are the two most common forms of what often referred to as autism spectrum disorders (ASD) or pervasive developmental disorders.  Others disorders in this group can include Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Rett’s Disorder and Pervasive Development Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.

Typical symptoms of these disorders can include social deficits, communication difficulties, stereotyped or repetitive behaviour/interests, and/or cognitive delays.  One of the key differences between Asperger syndrome and autism is that with people with autism there is very often sever language as well as cognitive delays!
The purpose of this discussion blog is to gauge the opinion of the Autism and Asperger syndrome communities regarding what we see as one of the key issues of the day.  Can these disorders be simply viewed as a disability or just a difference?  Also we are interested in any experiences of discrimination suffered by people with Autism spectrum disorders.
In particular it would be great to know your opinions on the following questions please?
a) Do you, family member or a friend suffer from a pervasive developmental disorders?  If so which one and at what age were they diagnosed?
b) What treatments have they received if any for the disorders?
c) Did these treatments have any impact?
d) In your view are people with these kinds of disorders discriminated against?
e) Should people with pervasive developmental disorders be treated as disabled or just as different?
Please treat these questions just as a guide. It would be great if you could tell us any part of your story.
Thanks very much in advance for your help. Remember, a blog is really like having a conversation with lots of people at the same time and so please check back on the blog to see what others have said so that if you feel like adding to their thoughts you can. It’s a conversation and a chance to learn and share!


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