Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity,
Health and behavior. - Bruce Lipton PhD author of THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a simple yet powerful technique
that re-balances the energies of the body, releasing painful and
unwanted emotions connected to our past, present or future. The
technique was developed by Gary Craig, In essence, it is a psychological
version of acupuncture. While in acupuncture we use needles, in EFT
there is no use of needles. EFT is designed to directly access the
body's energy system by tapping on and into the nervous system, where
trauma is held on a cellular level. Working with energy and
consciousness in this way enables deep levels of healing to take place
very quickly.
The body’s energy system is stimulated and balanced by tapping with
fingertips on a specific combination of 14 major meridian points.
Meridians are energetic pathways within the body that relay information
to the entire system, including the mind. They are interlinked with
each other in a continuing energy loop. Traumatic memories and thoughts
cause energetic disturbances within the body. Such disturbances are
experienced as negative emotion that can limit our functioning,
creativity and potential. By removing a blockage from one meridian, the
entire circuit automatically clears.
EFT is not about denying, repressing or disassociating from your
feelings. It will not mask important symptoms that require medical
attention nor will it suppress illness to a deeper level. While focusing
on the disturbing feeling or traumatic issue, you are guided to gently
tap a specific sequence of meridian points on your body, using your
fingertips. These points are connected to your nervous system where all
traumas are held... in the cells. With this process, it is not
necessary to re-live or re-experience traumatic events.
Typically, the session ends with resolution and most importantly, a
neutral emotional response when thought is given to the chosen issue.
This tapping technique can be self administered whenever and wherever
the need arises. It is very easy to learn and once grasped, it rarely
takes more than a few minutes to carry out.
By analogy, think of the meridians as rivers. Upsets in emotional or
physical health lead to the equivalent of blockages or overflows in the
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a simple yet remarkable healing
system that reduces the stress that underlies much disease. It has
proven itself successful in many scientific studies. It works on a
variety of health issues, psychological problems, and performance
issues, even those that have been resistant to other methods. It can be
learned and applied rapidly, which has contributed to its popularity
among millions of people.
One of the EFT practitioners put it very nicely thus:
“Some day the medical profession will wake up and realize that
unresolved emotional issues are the main cause of 85% of all illnesses.
When they do, EFT will be one of their primary healing tools.... as it
is for me."
Learning EFT Technique:
There are two basic areas to learn EFT
- -the tapping technique and
- -the positive affirmations.
The basic EFT sequence is straight forward and generally takes few
minutes to learn. With practice one will be able to perform each round
in under a minute. There are number of acupuncture meridians on our
fingertips. When we are tapping with fingertips, we are not only
tapping on the meridians but also on the points in the fingertips.
Traditionally we tap with one hand and with two fingers but we can come
out with different creative ways. On each point we can tap 6-7times.And
always be connected with the breath.
Tapping is a simple and easy-to-use process where you:
- 1) tune into your body-mind,
- 2) speak a truth about how you feel right now, and
- 3) choose how you’d like to feel…
- 4) all while tapping on specific natural comfort points.
This unique combination helps you shift your physical and emotional energy in the direction of relief… towards feeling really good
Starting in the 1960’s and 70’s with George Goodheart and John
Diamond and further refined in the 80’s and 90’s by Roger Callahan,
Patricia Carrington, Gary Craig, Fred Gallo, Donna Eden, Carol Look, and
many others, the benefits of tapping on the meridian acupoints has been
extensively documented. Experience shows that tapping can shift our
beliefs and thoughts quickly and with much less pain than conventional
There are lots of theories on how and why it works, but no one can
say for sure. (We just see the positive results.) Scientific studies do
show that the electrical resistance in the skin at the meridian
acupoints is much lower than the rest of the body. Brain wave studies
show energy tapping affects the deep subconscious.
However it works. Tapping seems to activate our body’s innate
self-healing intelligence and allows us to transform our lives. Case
histories abound showing astounding changes in anxieties, fears, and
phobias. Hundreds of thousands of people use it to improve their
relationships, their ability to work, and how much they enjoy life.
Quick Relief
Some people report “one minute miracles” where long lasting changes
occur in minutes. Astonishingly rapid, permanent relief has “sold” many
people on using Tapping for themselves and with others. There are
thousands of cases of quick, permanent relief for phobias, physical
pains, and more… all using Energy Tapping (EFT). These have been
recorded and could be found in many websites dealing with EFT.
“To discover your own authentic strengths and develop them, so that they are strong and resilient… to be able to see life from new, more empowering perspectives… to love and co-create within healthy relationships” - To us, that’s true emotional freedom. And it is what Tapping is really perfectly suited to help you achieve.
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