Crystals for healing
Crystal healing is the use of crystals to influence the
body’s energy field or aura in order to bring about healing and harmony.
The belief that crystals (precious and semi-precious gems such as
diamonds, rubies and emeralds are all crystals) have magical and healing
properties has a long history. Many spiritual healers now use crystals
to help with a wide range of physical and emotional conditions.
Crystal therapists believe that crystals can tap into the
energies of the universe, focus healing energy and resonate with the
energies of the body to bring about healing. Crystals are individually
selected for their energy. Crystals such as amethyst and rose quartz are
particularly thought to possess healing energy which they can store and
release like a battery. Practitioners claim that the crystals do not
actually heal a person but rather act as a focus to help people heal
You can either buy your own crystals or visit a therapist. If
you choose to visit a therapist you may be questioned about your
lifestyle, diet and medical history. You will then be asked to sit or
lie on a couch or the floor. You will not need to undress. The therapist
will then use his or her intuition to scan your energy without actually
touching you to assess which crystals to use. They may place crystals
around you or on the part of your body that needs healing. They may also
hold the crystals themselves or ask you to hold them. Some
practitioners place the crystals on acupuncture points or chakras.
Others combine crystal healing with spiritual healing and aura work. The
skill of the practitioner is in choosing which crystal to use and
applying it in the most effective way for the person being treated.
Crystal therapists do not treat specific conditions, instead
that they take a holistic approach using crystal healing to improve
health and well-being. Some people report that holding, wearing, being
covered in or surrounded by crystals makes them feel better and more
energized. Research has also shown that if a quartz crystal is held in
the hand for more than 30 minutes brainwave patterns change from beta
(fully alert) to alpha (relaxed).
The following is a list of some crystal types and the health/emotional conditions they are believed to relieve:
Amethyst: Headaches, eyes, scalp, hair, pituitary gland, balancing blood sugar, spiritually uplifting
Aquamarine: Heart, immune system, thymus, lymph nodes, calming, uplifting, joy, creativity, confidence, purpose
Carnelian: Circulatory system, kidneys, stimulate
appetite, emotions, sexuality, physical energy, reproductive system,
menstrual cramps, arthritis, kidneys, gall bladder, pancreas,
confidence, assertiveness
Citrine: Acid indigestion, food disorders,
allergies, cleansing spleen, kidneys, liver, urinary system, intestines,
mental and emotional clarity, problem-solving, memory
Coral: Muscles, blood, heart, reproductive system,
thyroid, metabolism, spine, bone and tissue regeneration, not to be used
with high blood pressure
Diamond: Increase personal clarity, trust, confidence, prosperity, generosity, love, spirituality
Emerald: Respiratory system, heart, lymph nodes, blood, thymus, balance blood sugar, childbirth, eyesight, depression
Jade: Heart, immune, kidneys, nervous system, courage, knowledge, compassion, emotional balance, longevity
Lapis: Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, shyness, nervous system, speech, hearing, pituitary, inflammation, pain
Malachite: Stomach, liver, kidney stones, respiratory system, immune system, vision, circulatory system
Rose Quartz: Emotional balance, love, beauty, peacefulness, forgiving, kindness, self-esteem, emotional healing
Ruby: Infections, cholesterol, blood clots, blood
cleansing, impotency, circulation, menses, love, courage, confidence,
vitality, stamina, strength, triumph over adversity
Sapphire: Reducing inflammation, fevers, nosebleeds, hearing problems, burns, depression, intuition, clairaudience, mental clarity, calm
For those who would like to ‘test the waters’ with crystals or who
are simply curious about how it all works, there are a number of sources
that explain crystal healing and crystal therapy in depth. If you’re
open to the metaphysical and the energies of the universe, who knows?
Crystal therapy may be the perfect complement to your physical and/or
emotional health regimen.
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