What is Gout and How to Effectively Treat it?
Do you think you might be suffering from the symptoms of gout? Or perhaps you might have just been identified by a doctor as having this uncomfortable and painful condition. In order to effectively manage and permanently eliminate this common form of arthritis, it is important to understand why it forms, what causes the symptoms of gout, how it progresses in its development if untreated and what is gout in the first place.
What is gout?
“Grout”, as many people aptly refer to it, is said to be the curse of too much high living. Being overweight, eating steak frequently and drinking red wine will elevate your chances of having a flare up. However, you don’t necessarily have to lead the high life to be at risk.
Gout is much more common in men than in women and if you have experienced an attack, you are at risk of having another.
Gout Causes
Gout can develop if there is a build-up of a chemical called uric acid in your system. Uric acid is taken into your body through diet as well as being produced
during the natural turnover of your body’s cells. Normally the excess is excreted from your body in your urine, but people suffering from the symptoms of gout retain above average levels of uric acid.
The Symptoms of Gout
In most affected individuals the symptoms of gout recur and flare up periodically. During these flare ups the the affected joints become swollen, red and excruciatingly painful. The symptoms of gout are most likely to manifest on the big toes, although any joint can become affected. The ankles and wrists are other common sites for gout to develop.
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