Does Homeopathy work? Come and have your say!

Welcome to our latest discussion blog where we focus of the use of homeopathic medicines and their effectiveness!
Homeopathy was developed in 1796 by German doctor Samuel Hahnemann and has been widely used in alternative medicine since that time.
Homeopathic practitioners treat patients using highly diluted preparations that are believed to cause healthy people to exhibit symptoms that are similar to those exhibited by the patient.  Hahnemann described this as “the law of similars”.

In this research blog we are interested in finding out the views of our readers regarding homeopathy.  Both for and against!
In particular we would be keen to read your answers on the following questions
1)      What do you understand homeopathy to be?
2)      Have you ever used a homeopathic remedy?  If so for what medical condition and how successful was the treatment?
3)      What sort of regulation should there be for homeopaths and for homeopathic remedies?
4)      Why do you think homeopathy has undergone a revival in recent years?
5)      If you oppose homeopathy what sort of information do you use to support that view?
6)      Have you tried any other alternative treatments?
Please feel free to make any other comments you think other readers may find of interest.  Please also you are welcome to post any useful links!
Thanks very much in advance for your help. Remember, a blog is really like having a conversation with lots of people at the same time and so please check back on the blog to see what others have said so that if you feel like adding to their thoughts you can. It’s a conversation and a chance to learn and share!
I look forward to reading your comments and, of course, thank you very much for your input. Finally can I ask you to bear in mind when you blog that you comments will not just be read by other bloggers and The Patients Voice team but also , in some cases, the clients for whom we work. If you need more information on this or any other issues please feel free to get in touch with me at


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