An apple a day may keep the doctor away.

green appleAn apple a day may keep the doctor away. That’s a phrase often heard, especially in Western countries. And the latest research from experts at Cornell University proves this.
This study provides further evidence of the benefits of eating apples in reducing the risk of heart disease. Because inside the apple there is a double advantage for the benefit of cholesterol in the blood.

Studies using human liver cells, suggesting that the antioxidants contained in apples potentially in lowering LDL cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein) is often referred to as”bad”cholesterol, by stimulating the production of LDL receptors in liver cells. That way, will help remove cholesterol in the blood. Such effect was found in the cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins.
The second advantage is found, that apples can prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol becomes oxidized LDL. Oxidized LDL is a dangerous form of LDL, which may cause the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Towards old age, usually people concerned with these two serious illnesses. But for men, beware, because the chances the disease will come early.
Stroke is a blood clot suddenly to the brain. Most strokes occur due to clogged arteries luran sa-carrying blood to the brain (ischemic stroke).
Moreover, it can also be caused by the entry of blood into brain tissue when a blood pulse channels cut / torn (hemorrhagic stroke). If symptoms of a stroke takes place in a short period (less than 1 hour), so-called mini-strokes or (transient ischemic atack – TIA).
Stroke is the leading cause of paralysis and is the third leading cause of death in America. More than 600,000 Americans have a stroke each year and 150,000 of them died.
Common symptoms of stroke is paralysis of the face, hands or feet, more often paralysis of half of the body.
Some early symptoms of a stroke is like: numbness of the face, arm, or leg, especially on half of the body; Confusion, trouble speaking or understanding speech. Loss of vision in one or both eyes. Trouble walking, dizziness, loss of coordination. Headaches for no apparent reason.
The results of the National Cholesterol Education Project was quoted as saying a site mentioned, men aged 20-30 years with excessive levels of total cholesterol, 2 to 3.5 times the risk of dying from a heart attack than men age normally. Disturbingly, their life expectancy was 4-9 times shorter.
Many factors cause a person to have high cholesterol levels, including family history, overweight (obesity), a diet rich in fat, lack of exercise, smoking, drinking alcohol, diabetes is not well controlled, an underactive thyroid gland, an overactive pituitary gland , and kidney failure.
Ganaskan cholesterol so it? Not forever. The real reason our bodies need cholesterol. You probably never thought that cholesterol provides many benefits for our bodies. Among other things, required by the brain and nerve tissue.
Cholesterol is the raw material forming the role of bile salts bind to the blood before it had time to accumulate fat in the intestine. Cholesterol is also needed to produce sex hormones. The production of this hormone will be disrupted if cholesterol is too low. Due to insufficient intake of cholesterol-forming fat to be one cause of bone loss, in addition to calcium deficiency.
The new cholesterol will cause problems, when the amount exceeds the threshold. How does one say of excess cholesterol? People say if the amount of excess cholesterol are two major fat, cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood high.
As a rule, the ideal total cholesterol level is 140-200 mg / dl. More than the range that includes abnormal. Sebagimana known, abnormal levels of fat in the blood circulation (especially cholesterol) can bring long-term problems, such as the risk of narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis).
In addition, the results of another study conducted by the same researchers, also found other benefits of apples that can prevent breast cancer. Although the experiments are conducted on animals, yet the researchers are optimistic that the apple really be able to prevent breast cancer in the human body.
Until now, breast cancer is still a scary disease, especially for women who entered the age of 30 years and over. Creepy, because it was supposed this disease will lead to death. It is undeniable that this malignant disease has become one of the major killer of women in the world, after cancer of the uterus.
For women, the disease is a frequent cause of loss of confidence, because if she had suffered breast cancer has reached an advanced stage often he had to give up one of her breasts to be appointed, maybe even both.
Although breast cancer can strike men, but women have a higher risk. This risk will increase if there is a history of breast cancer in her family. For example one mother or their siblings had suffered from breast cancer.
Women who experienced menstruation early, before age 12 years, gave birth after age 35 years, giving birth and never breastfed, not married or married but no children, consume lots of fat at the age of adolescence, or obesity also includes the risk of breast cancer .


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