What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture can be defined as the insertion of dry needles
into the skin at specific locations called acupuncture points.
Acupuncture is performed by certified practitioners and physicians to
treat certain medical disorders. Depending on the training and
experience of the practitioner and the problem being treated,
acupuncture techniques may include electrical current through the
needles (electro acupuncture) or heat (moxibustion) and pressure
Acupuncture began in China more than 2000 years ago. It is
now practiced throughout the world, particularly in China, Korea and
Japan. In the United States, acupuncture started gaining popularity in
the early 1970s.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
The basic idea behind acupuncture, according to ancient
theory, is that energy flows within the human body and can be stimulated
to create balance and health. The energy flow (or vital force)—called
qi and pronounced “chee”—moves throughout the body along 12 main
channels known as meridians. These meridians represent the major organs
and functions of the body although they do not follow the exact pathways
of nerves or blood flow.
The goal of acupuncture is to correct imbalances of flow and
restore health through stimulation, generally by inserting needles
through the skin at points along the meridians of the body. Current
acupuncture information lists up to 400 different acupuncture points for
various health problems. Scientists have attempted to explain the
actual physical effects of acupuncture on the human body. Some
researchers suggest that pain relief happens when acupuncture needles
stimulate nerves. Another well accepted theory is that acupuncture
releases pain-relieving chemicals, such as endorphins and serotonin.
Acupuncture may also be effective because it targets painful
tender points, sometimes called trigger points. Additionally,
acupuncture may decrease pain-causing inflammation by stimulating the
body’s pituitary gland to release cortisol, a hormone that is known to
reduce inflammation. Although the exact manner in which acupuncture
works is unknown, the treatment appears helpful for certain medical
illnesses in certain people at certain times.
Acupuncture can be helpful in maintaining good health and in
treating patients with a wide range of health problems. Acupuncture may
be used alone or in combination with other complementary or
conventional medicine treatments.
Acupuncture can be used to treat a number of condition and health problems, including:
Side Effects of Cancer Treatment — Acupuncture can
help ease the nausea associated with chemotherapy, increase the immune
response, relieve pain and improve energy levels.
Headache— Acupuncture can help reduce the severity and frequency of chronic headaches, including tension headaches and migraines.
Chronic Neck and Back Pain — Acupuncture may be helpful in relieving chronic pain caused by spinal stenisis, disc herniation etc.
Women's Reproductive Health Issues — Acupuncture can
be used to enhance fertility, relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome
(PMS) and minimize bothersome symptoms of menopause, including mood
changes, hot flashes and insomnia
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome — Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
is a disorder that causes debilitating fatigue, including exhaustion and
reduced stamina, neurological problems, and a variety of flu-like
Chinese medicine considers symptoms of fatigue and exhaustion as
originating from weakened organs. Acupuncture may help to revive and
stimulate the affected organs from their depleted states.
Fibromyalgia — Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder
characterized by fatigue and widespread pain in the fibrous tissues of
the muscles, ligaments and tendons. Acupuncture may help relieve the
pain associated with this condition.
Asthma — Research in the past decade has shown that
acupuncture can be very effective in alleviating the symptoms of
respiratory diseases, including asthma. It may also reduce the frequency
and intensity of asthma attacks.
Sports Injuries — Acupuncture can be used to treat various sports and repetitive stress injuries.
Gastrointestinal Disorders — Acupuncture may be
helpful in relieving some of the discomfort caused by gastrointestinal
disorders, including chronic liver disease, irritable bowel syndrome,
and inflammatory bowel movement.
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