Great Guerilla Advertising (Part 2)

Follow-up of the “Great Guerilla Advertising” article on funnymos. Simple and yet brilliant guerilla ads that guarantee a buzz. With a good idea, you don’t need a big budget to make yourself known or promote your brand.

Axe was always good with advertising… this one is placed next to an exit sign
axe guerilla ad
Yoga center ad on a straw
Superman returns ad
“Use only what you need” from Denver Water
use only what you need
DHL: If it is where it belongs, it was probably delivered by DHL (click for larger view)
DVD Rental company ad in the bathroom of a cinema: “At home, you could have pressed pause”
dvd rental
Heineken ad with the figure of a hand reaching out to the bottle. Beats the regular printed posters.
Holidays: Everyone is going on a Virgin Holiday. Suitcases placed in the hands of statues
Jeep: The 4 door Wrangler is coming. Handle added to a regular Jeep.
Jeep Parking: Painted parking spaces to advertise Jeep’s ability to be driven on rough terrain.
Mini: showing the maneuverability and driving fun
Crashed car placed in a parking lot to announce a Monster Trucks show
Volkswagen Polo guerilla campaign: small, but tough.

Slim: same idea, 3 different products: Slim Fast
Pepsi Light
Ulta slim Sony Cyber-shot T1


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