
Sorry for my terrible english. LOL!

Whenever i saw a toothpick it reminds me of my aunt and her farm girl maid. the story goes..

My aunt, Vicky used to shop twice every month for their household consumptions. She shop for foods, clothes, can goods, kitchen ware and other stuff needed in their house. I remember that time that she also bought some toothpicks so that they can used it everyday after meals. After a week, she noticed that the toothpicks have depleted rapidly. And everyday she noticed that the the toothpicks are almost gone. That was the time when she wonder, how could a 6 people in the house use the toothpicks and have depleted rapidly? Then she ask every person in their house including their farm girl maid. At first she ask her children, guys, do you know where our toothpicks goes? do you used it every time? The children answered no. They told their mom that they don't used toothpicks. Then lastly, she ask their farm girl maid with the same question. The farm girl responds yes. "Yes, i usually used the toothpicks but when i use them, i makes sure that i returned them to its bottle." LOL! My aunt was shock as she hear those answer. She told me that she got goosebumps upon hearing those answer. Then my aunt throw all of the toothpicks left. LOL!


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