Amir Hawkins (loon) embraces a Muslim

American singer Prince said Hawkins alias (color), who professed Islam that now call for a full-time after retiring from singing, pointing out that he learns the Qur'an and the explanation and the Arabic language, and added: "Praise be to Allah guided many Americans at the hands and declared their Islam."
Color remarks in his meeting with the Chairman of the Board of Directors to make the civil Medina d. Yusuf Bin Ahmed transfer, also participated in the meeting, President of the Canadian missionary and ambassador of peace to the United Nations, calling Sharad Muhammad.
The color - which changed its name to the Prince - that before his conversion to Islam to reject a number of calls that were received from countries in the Middle East because of the bad image of Islamic countries in the United States, according to News Agency Saudi Arabia on Wednesday November 23.
He said that during his stay in Dubai met Muslims from near and see their response to the call to prayer, "prayer" and peace of mind in which they live, he decided to deliver the promised on his conversion to Islam on his birth real, and Hamad God for the blessing of Islam.
He emphasized the quiet enjoyment of the psychological after his conversion to Islam and Islam, his wife and his two sons, and his father, Islam and -80 years - and many of his relatives and friends, and they are every day increasing.
For his part, said Sharad preacher Mohammed that he began his life looking for a religion that belongs to it after that you should make sure to have a religion, and reviewed many books, religions and cultures found to be trivial in the translation of the Qur'an.
The color and Mohammed said they had to visit the Medina of peace on our master the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, having led the Hajj this year.
In the same context, d hoped. Transfer of God that makes them a reason to enter Islam in large numbers, due to their iconic status in American society, and contribute to the correct picture that emerges from the media and the American West about Islam and Muslims.


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