Measuring the temperature of the patient and the pulse

Measuring the temperature of the patient and the pulse
First, measure the temperature of the patient
قياس درجة حرارة المريض
Medical thermometer used to measure the temperature of the body and is by placing a thermometer (mercury warehouse) under the tongue of the patient or his anus or under the armpit for about five minutes and shall not use a thermometer to measure the user from the anus in the other cases.

Placed thermometer mouth in the condition of the patient that allows his condition so without breaking the thermometer, and measured the temperature of newborns through the anus and the highest half degrees as measured by mouth, and a few measured temperature by armpit due to lack of accuracy and is be less than half a degree from that taken by mouth, and with the scientific development appeared several modern methods of measuring the temperature of the tape sensitive runway gradually Termumitria and placed on the front of the patient for 5 minutes are shown by the degree of heat and clear, and there is also a thermometer that measures the temperature of the the patient through the ear is used in many hospitals at this time.
And taken into account when measuring the temperature of the patient Baltermumitr mercury to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water and thoroughly dried and then the right hand holding the thermometer between the thumb and forefinger and cleanse with alcohol and shaken well until all the mercury drops in the warehouse any temperature up to 35 ° C and then placed under the tongue of the patient with the mouth closed tightly and leave for a period ranging between 3-5 minutes and then take off the thermometer from the mouth of the patient and record temperature and then clean the thermometer and put it in its own box.

And is the normal temperature of the body is 37 ° C but less in some people some degree almost, and different body temperature in the times of the day different to reach the end of about six o'clock pm and reach its lowest level in the early morning between the hours of five and six in the morning , and therefore measured the temperature of the patient twice a day in the first six in the morning, and the second in six in the evening unless your doctor is measured more in some cases pathological

2-was the pulse of the patient
قياس نبض المريض
Pulse is a measure of heart rate, and pulse rate and strength are evidence of the patient's physical and mental health. And pulse rate depends on several factors, including, patient's age, sex, when the number of women ranging pulse times between 75 and 80 beats a minute, and when the men about 70 beats a minute, while in the neonatal pulse ranges have the 124 and 144 strike per minute and down in the first year for up to 115 beats a minute and in the second year to 105 and then gradually less until it reaches the normal level after 5 years ago. And for the elderly decreases the pulse rate compared to their youth, as well as pulse tall slower than their utmost.
Method of measuring the pulse:
Is the pulse by placing two fingers or 3 fingers on one of the arteries near the surface of the skin and is often used radial artery at the wrist by Fadguet pressure gradually until light and feel its entry into force of the blood and then begins to count for 60 seconds. For newborns Fikas pulse of the anterior fontanelle or resumption heart.
And better to record the temperature of the patient's pulse and to track his health and to the doctor, and registration is on the agenda as follows:


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